The Local Time App for Salesforce has out-of-the-box support for getting the time zone information for Account, Contact, Lead, and Task standard Salesforce objects. We have now extended the App’s functionality to also support the Salesforce User object. There are two options to show the time zone information on the User records. Option 1 is
As mentioned in the previous blog post, the approach discussed there has a limitation. If the Scheduled Start or Scheduled End values are in the future (crossing the DST), the formula still uses the current time zone and UTC Offset fields, instead of using the time zone and UTC Offset values that are relevant for
Field Service (formerly known as Field Service Lightning) gives you a powerful, highly customizable, mobile-friendly field service hub in Salesforce. When Field Service is enabled, you gain access to a suite of standard objects that you can find in Setup and as tabs in Salesforce. These objects make up the core Field Service features, including
The Local Time App for Salesforce has out-of-the-box support for getting the time zone information for Account, Contact, Lead, and Task standard Salesforce objects. We have now extended the App’s functionality to also support the Salesforce Event object. When a user creates an Event in Salesforce, the Event Start and Event End Dates are displayed